We often talk about the starving artist, but we do not mention the thirsty creative, which casts a much wider net into society. Thirsty creatives are those who wish to express their creativity but have not yet had the opportunity to do so. These are people who have made or are making a good living in a non-arts career, but are still longing to switch gears. Whether they are focused on financial needs, haven’t discovered their own creative potential, or are fearful of revealing their true self, they have been stopped in some way from taking that leap into the art world. They may even be hiding their creativity and their desire to make art or even turn their creative hobby into a new career. Lawyers who wish to be painters, retirees who want to write plays, accountants with big ideas for a new arts company, or even parents who want the best for their creative children. What they lack are not the funds, but the time, energy, community or resources to begin making art and expanding their happiness.
Here at Chez Flaneur, we believe that there is creativity in all of us and we deserve the space to express it. We will enable thirsty creatives of all sorts and of every age to renew their sense of purpose and find their inner artistic spark. We will build a framework that connects thirsty creatives with starving artists (those that have the talent but lack money) in order to help both groups synergize solutions to their roadblocks. Anyone who identifies as a thirsty creative or wants to get involved in the arts has the exciting opportunity to meet their creative needs through our unique production companies. Thirsty creatives provide the ideas they want to see put in action, and starving artists get to use their talent to make it happen! As well, thirsty creatives can contribute their unique non-arts knowledge, funds, and resources available to them to Chez Flaneur in exchange for community and mentorship. They can also enjoy the simple pleasure of freely making art with other like-minded individuals or even living vicariously through other artists. Through our own case studies, we will identify exactly what works best in helping thirsty creatives flourish, regain their sense of community, switch careers or meet their creative needs!
Have something you want to contribute? Let us know!